Recently via several sites and especially the work of Linda Moulton Howe, a book has been mentioned as one stolen away by mysterious men in black, NSA, or other clandestine agency. A search of WorldCat (a catalog of library catalogs), the Library of Congress, and the British Museum failed to bring up any copies of this book anywhere. Not all collections or titles are found in these search tools but chances are excellent any major work of that age still in a library would be listed in one or more of these indexes. Too arcane or rare would have it in a special collection.
Public libraries - such as the one alleged in this story - deal with popular works and a book of that subject, from that date, would be a very unusual on a public library shelf due to frequent updating of the circulating collection. The simple truth is books get worn out with use, become unappealing to readers, or have outdated images or content. They have to be in print to be replaced and this should leave a trail....
Theoretically this mysterious book recounts the name of the
"OLTISSIS" who have some connection to mysterious drones reportedly seen in California and the south. Yet, in 2010 that name was apparently being found in an online
game... Hmmm, I feel a tug on the collective leg of those investigating and reporting this witness' strange tale.
Some may claim every single copy of the book was confiscated and destroyed. They were burned or taken to some sinister underground location where they are also keeping other secrets.... It is also possible it never existed in this universe outside someone's imagination.
So keep an eye open when walking the dank aisles of that forlorn book shop on the corner of the Twilight Zone - that may be the only place to locate this particular book. It may be a book about mythology but it may also be a total work of fiction, in more ways than one. If you do run across it, or proof of an author by that name, however, drop me a line...
Thanks to several readers who pointed out the name listed was misspelled. I had only the original postings to go on and a total dearth of any returns when doing a title search! Apparently several have found copies in used book stores. My library inter-loan request has not yet been answered. When it is - if it is - I will provide a more detailed review of the content and scope of this work.
The book is alleged to be Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisted by Fredico Ionnides (1962).